Saturday, June 11, 2005

"The world I love The tears I drop To be part of The wave can't stop Ever wonder if it's all for you"

I bet not many people do the following. If you do, let me know so we can 'discuss'......

I was driving home this morning when I started to have a re-conversation. Meaning: I was reliving a conversation I already had with someone. This replay occurs in my head. I will see a snapshot of the place and person/people involved and I will see it happen again. I also replay the dialogue. I must have been really into the re-living of conversation because before I knew it I made a hand gesture while saying something out loud. Is that art imitating life, or life imitating art?

A vivid imagination is entertaining.


Anonymous said...

I luv ur blog! The best thing is that I don't have to check it daily, n even after a few days I can catch up. I've replayed a conversation in my mind before; like I'll have a conversation w/some1, n then later I'll replay that convo in my head to either make more sense of it, or just b/c I want to know where the other person was coming from.

Lady of Light said...


It's nice to know that you 'replay' as well. Not that it surprises me..... I mean someone who would play Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon with me in the wee hours before sunrise is pretty much a candidate for 'replaying'. Don't you think? Here's to Kevin Bacon and imagination!

Laura said...

i replay all the time. i thought everyone did! they don't? but i don't think i've made a gesture or spoken out loud unless i was dreaming which isn't really replaying it's dreaming. which makes me think, if you were so deep in your replay it might not have been that great to be driving...

Lady of Light said...

Do either of you see the 'scene' of the convo in your mind? I see it all in colour. Basically like watching a movie, but I am half there and half in the present moment if that makes sense.

And I forgot in my last comment: Hi Lalita! Thanks for your first read and comment!