Monday, January 02, 2012

Another year you made a promise Another chance to turn it all around And do not save this for tomorrow Embrace the past and you can live for now

What does a New Year mean? Is it accepting and letting go of the past with the wish to move forward? Is it a list of things you desire to achieve? Is it a chance to improve yourself in an area of life?  Maybe it simply means that you will live life carrying the lessons you have learned.

A New Year connotes a new beginning. It’s 365 days to hope, dream, work, attempt, tear down, and build up. It’s using time to plan for the future. It gives us time to think about relationships, family, home & career.  Relationships. Family. Home. Career.  My thoughts this year will focus on these. 

The New Year also gives us a chance to reflect. With all the hustle and bustle of shopping, eating and visiting, it’s important to take the moment and focus on the real meaning of the season.  What did you truly celebrate this season? I take stock of the opportunities I’ve had to connect with family and friends during the holidays. I have been able to share love, affection and most of all, my presence. I carry this with me this year. I let everything else fall away.

What has this year brought? It’s been a year of accomplishments, new ideas, challenges and of course, perpetual learning. Acknowledge what you are proud of and what you can do better. Be mindful of the people who have come in and out of your life. Make sense of the year's events. Practice self -awareness. Meditate in whichever way is of a comfort to you. Give yourself the gift of clarity. Clear mind, solid thoughts, sincere intent, meaningful action. Move forward.

Wherever we are in life, we always have the desire and opportunity to improve. It’s never too early or too late. There are so many things to be thankful for. In 2012 I intend to bask in the things I know give me strength and I will share that with those around me.  I will waste less and give more.  I will continue to prepare myself for the opportunities to come.

Whatever it is you want to accomplish this year, I wish you the courage to dream it.

For those of you who know me well, this is one of my favorite quotes. I have literally kept it close to me in times of change in my life.

“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.”
                                                                                          Christopher Reeve

2012 Peace.