Wednesday, May 25, 2005

"Some people think that the physical things define what's within; And I've been there before; And that life's a bore; So full of the superficial"

Sometimes people just need a day to themselves to do things for themselves. Sounds simple enough doesn't it? Think about the last time you had a whole day to yourself. What did you do? What did you enjoy about it? How did it make you feel? Why is it we don't do this as often as we should? Some people may not like the idea of spending a whole day by themselves, but I love it. It rejuvenates me.

I think this quote expresses exactly what I feel when I spend time alone doing the things I love doing that I don't get a chance to do often enough...this is such a sweet and real quote.

"I have, as it were, my own sun and moon and stars, and a little world all to myself." - Henry David Thoreau