Thursday, May 12, 2005

"A few times I've been around that track So it's not just gonna happen like that"

I think a lot in the car. I just realized that today as I was driving. I think about everything, sometimes things just pop into my head like, 'I like so and so'. Or I come up with a great idea. Or I think about someone I know who is struggling with something or I think of my own struggles and how I can work on those.

Speaking of which, prayers are sure answered in funny (as in ironic) ways. I had one of those funny/ironic lessons yesterday. Just a warning: ask to be humbled (as I have been for the last couple of days) and the resulting possibilities are endless. Things of the following nature might happen to you: being approached by salespeople in the middle of a parking lot trying to sell you something when you've had little sleep and food, not to mention you have dirty clothes and bad hair as you've spent the last few hours working in a dust factory. The main thing on your mind is 'I want to go home'. Meanwhile, you're trying to muster up as much understanding you can and not be rude to someone who's trying to do their job, granted not in the most convenient location or timing for you. Plus, you're not enjoying the person's sales tactics which includes talking a lot and not wanting you to talk, but just agree with what they say. To top it all off, the salesperson let's you know that you don't look very excited at the prospect of their 'awesome deal'. Although this ordeal took a mere few minutes of my time, it sure was significant because it made me feel inadequate and powerless. I can look at the situation now and find it amusing, but in that moment there was nothing to laugh about. It was just an awkward moment in which I felt I didn't handle very well. Later I realized that I did the best I could in that situation and that is a lesson I have been trying to learn for the last year or so. And that my friends, is definitely humbling.

Moral: Ask and you shall receive. Oh, and also, timing is everything.


Laura said...

i think a lot in the car too. When i'm not singing at the top of my lungs that is. that's one of the reasons i really like driving. it's me time.

And i understand the 'i just wanna go home' feeling and the 'i feel like yuck' feeling all too well. you are a good girl fatsy domino. a good gurl that never does nothin wrong at all.

Lady of Light said...

In fact I do plenty wrong otherwise I'd be perfection. But thanks I feel sheepish and don't know what to say 'cept nothin' but the bluuuues...