Friday, April 01, 2005

"Whatever happened to the values of humanity? Whatever happened to the fairness in equality? Instead of spreading love we're spreading animosity"

What happens when someone decides to take a possession away from you? Be it through vandalism or stealing, it causes damage and loss. Material and emotional. A few years ago, I would have defined the damage and loss of something material AS material and amend the loss through a replacement of the material thing. i.e. ‘I can’t believe someone took my ___ , now I have to get a new one.’ Replacement of the possession would “fix” the problem. However, at this moment in time my definition has changed-- I see first a material loss as a disrespect to my hard work. A violation of the sacrifices that I have made to have something that serves a purpose in my life above materiality. It is a hurt inflicted upon the heart that you put into the smallest task in the process of earning a dollar. What is most significant is not the dollars that you are able to readily spend (because anyone can do that or appear to do that) as a result of what you earn, but it is the manner and attitude by which you earn it. I think true wealth comes from this. I guess when you’ve lived a life of riches where things can be replaced with ease, you never really have a chance to learn that lesson in a physical sense, unless you seek out an opportunity to do so.

On an aside, I am thinking about the Pope and it almost seems trite to send him blessings. However, giving blessings are always humbling, inspiring, and a testimony of the power of humanity. That is a lesson that can be taught and learned through life and through death. And everything becomes a little more clearer.


Anonymous said...

yeah Fatima!! Where IS the LOVE? ~BeP~ Its turning into one crazzzy world out there but only if we let lets not.

Lady of Light said...

'Licious I think you are right. We have to kick crazee out before it comes to the door yo! Bombay Se!

Anonymous said...

BOMBAY SE......nuff said

Lady of Light said...

Big ups to you for stating it TROO.