Monday, February 26, 2007

Walked out this morning, don't believe what I saw Hundred billion bottles washed up on the shore Seems I'm not alone at being alone

My best friend Mo seems to be giving me a nudge to display something on my blog. I have taken a bit of a hiatus from here - as well as you all may know, I've been quite busy w/ school ( two classes), work ( a new position), and my friend's wedding (which is nearing soon - this Saturday, March 3rd - stay tuned for pics!). So here I have chosen a pic I took of my almost married friend Mo (who shares the same nickname as my brother). I took this of her in the wilderness on Bowen Island where we had a spa weekend staggette. In this pic, she skips a rock across the water and if you look to the lower right, you can see a perfect little 'plop' wave (that's what I call it) made by the stone. That's my friend, Mo.


Mo said...

I love this entry. It reminds me of a time long ago :) I love those memories Fateeeeem.