Wednesday, January 11, 2006

So take these words And sing out loud Cuz everyone is forgiven now Cuz tonight's the night the world begins again

Meet my five year- old cousin Priya. She is the pride and little joy of our family. I was fortunate enough to help out at the Kid's Party for Priya's birthday last summer in June. Here's Priya showing me the Dora backpack that one of her friend's gave to her. She loves Dora. Isn't she cute?! One time, I believe she was 3 or 4, we were hanging out in her room and she said to me 'I like being with you.' I was surprised that such a young person would think to say something like that. She sure caught me off guard. Looks like I need to be schooled.

I think that sometimes we forget that a child's view is a human view. With deepness and lightness and novelty. This is what comes from a pure heart. Wouldn't it be nice if we could live more that way everyday and not be bound by fears that hold us back from connecting deeply within ourselves? Children have such a gift for that. Speaking of gifts, I have been having great feelings for this year to come and I hope all of you have made special goals, wishes or whatever you want to call them, that you'd like to accomplish or simply continue doing. I am excited about mine. I hope all of you are excited about yours too. Posted by Picasa