Sunday, September 11, 2005

And there are voices that want to be heard; So much to mention but you can't find the words

So many changes happening at this point in life. It's kind of overwhelming. Not only in my life, but in the lives of those around me. Maybe this is the natural stage of an adult's life where you go through changing directions or making new directions. There is just so much to think about and so much out there to experience. I haven't felt like this in a long time and it's a good feeling yet a scary feeling at the same time.

As an aside, I have put in a photo of the wedding I was in a little over 3 months ago. It feels like it has been a lot longer than 3 months though. Just to keep on the wedding theme for a minute: congratulations to my friend Chris who got married over the weekend. It sounds weird referring to her as Chris, which is in fact her real name, but I have always called her Hannah. It's a name we kind of gave her. It's a long story, but often times I forget that Hannah isn't her real name.

I just said goodbye to a couple of my friends who were here visiting from out of town. We had a great day with them. They are newly engaged and the planning is underway. They actually checked out a ceremony site today which was very exciting. I'm excited about it and for them! They are such good people and friends. They are going to try and pull off an outside Indian wedding. I hope their wish will come true.

I start school tomorrow. I'm taking two classes and it will interesting to see how this semester turns out. From my experience of working full time and taking a class during the summer, I have come to the decision that I will never again complain about being tired doing anything less. I have had a good 3 week break from school and have had some great times and have been able to make some great memories. It's been nice coming home and not having to study or work on an assignment. But that's all going to change as of tomorrow. According to my calculations, I will be having a 53.5 hr week of work, school and commuting. This doesn't include any study time which according to BCIT standards should be about 21 hrs/week. This totals 74.5 hrs/week for the rest of this month. It's going to be eventful- I can feel it, no joke.